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Pengukuran kemampuan bahasa Inggris mahasiswa baru berdasarkan CEFR
SIGaP mengacu pada CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) atau Kerangka Acuan Umum Eropa untuk Bahasa, standar internasional untuk mengukur kemampuan bahasa asing, sehingga skor yang dicapai oleh mahasiswa mampu memberikan gambaran awal tentang tingkat penguasaan bahasa Inggris sesuai dengan deskriptor CEFR. Capaian skor SIGaP sangat membantu mahasiswa untuk memahami tingkat kemampuan mereka saat ini dan menentukan tujuan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris mereka di masa depan.
Pemaknaan Skor SIGaP
SIGaP menggunakan sistem penilaian yang disesuaikan dengan Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). CEFR membuat penjenjangan A1 (dasar) hingga C2 (setara penutur asli), dan menyediakan deskriptor komprehensif untuk menilai kompetensi bahasa pada setiap jenjang. SIGaP tidak mengadopsi semua penjenjangan dalam CEFR karena mempertimbangkan konteks bahasa Inggris di Indonesia yang sebagai bahasa asing (EFL) namun telah diajarkan pada tingkat sekolah menengah. Penjenjangan yang diadopsi adalah level A2 s.d. C1.
Struktur Instrumen SIGaP
Instrumen SIGaP terdiri dari tiga bagian, yang masing masing secara intrinsik memuat grammar dan kosakata
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Topik: Pariwisata

We define overtourism “as the excessive growth of visitors leading to overcrowding in areas where residents suffer the consequences of temporary and seasonal tourism peaks, which have enforced permanent changes to their lifestyles, access to amenities and general well- being”. The claim is that overtourism is harming the landscape, damaging beaches, putting infrastructure under enormous strain, and pricing residents out of the property market. It is a hugely complex issue that is often oversimplified. It can have an impact in multiple ways. The international cruise industry, for example, delivers thousands of passengers daily to destination ports. While comparatively little is returned to communities, cruise activity creates physical and visual pollution.

City residents also bear the cost of tourism growth. As cities transform to cater for tourists, the global travel supply chain prospers. This coincides with increasing property speculation and rising costs of living for local communities. AirBnB, for example, has been accused of reducing housing affordability and displacing residents. Amsterdam wants to take direct action to prevent this by banning short-term rentals and directing cruise passengers away from the city centre. AirBnB is also making efforts to address the problems they are accused of creating.

Things are made worse by the fact that key destinations are mostly unprepared to deal with overtourism. According to the Italian sociologist Marco d’Eramo, in 1950 just 15 destinations were visited by 98% of international tourists, while in 2007 this had decreased to 57%. This indicates the rapid expansion of global tourism beyond established destinations.



1. This text would most probably be assigned reading in which course? (A2)

A. Tourism and Hospitality Management

B. Environmental Science

C. Sociology

D. Business Administration


2. Which of the following is true according to the text? (B1)

A. Overtourism has various negative impacts, including harm to the landscape, damage to beaches, and straining infrastructure.

B. Overtourism primarily benefits local communities and residents.

C. The international cruise industry contributes significantly to local communities.

D. Overtourism is a simple issue with straightforward solutions


3. Why does the author mention AirBnB in paragraph 2? (B2)

A. To highlight the role of AirBnB in exacerbating issues related to overtourism.

B. To praise AirBnB for its positive impact on tourism.

C. To criticize AirBnB for its environmental practices.

D. To promote AirBnB as a solution to overtourism problems.


4. How is the information in the text organized? (B2)

A. Chronological order

B. Cause and effect

C. Problem and solution

D. Definition and explanation


5. It can be implied in the text that … (C1)

A. Local communities have successfully managed to integrate the influx of tourists without significant changes to their lifestyles.

B. The financial benefits of tourism are well-distributed among local residents, improving their quality of life.

C. Local residents often face increased housing costs and displacement due to the pressures of the tourism industry.

D. The rapid expansion of global tourism has led to a decrease in the number of destinations experiencing overtourism.


6. The word ‘amenities’ in line 3 can best be replaced with…

A. happiness

B. convenience*

C. housing

D. property market


7. What does the phrase ‘deal with’ in line 16 mean?

A. agree with

B. cater

C. neglect

D. cope with*
